What Pekuna Has to

Case Study

Here we will show you various examples of what we offer our customers.

Case Description

All of our customers trade or invest in cryptocurrencies and seek to have their profits professionally calculated. We guide our customers through the entire process, from initial information gathering and report preparation, to handling inquiries from tax offices and banks.

Working with Pekuna

There are various ways to collaborate with us. Explore our different offerings on our Services page. If none of these options suit your needs, you can also reach out to us through the contact form.

Case Study: Andrea

Is paid with cryptocurrencies by her employer. Andrea is employed at a blockchain startup and receives partial payment in cryptocurrencies. Through her work, she is highly active in the Berlin blockchain scene. Andrea attends numerous meetups and gets to know the Pekuna team at an event.


Case Study:

He tried his luck with cryptocurrencies.
Lukas is the CEO of a relevant IT company based in Bavaria. In 2017, he learned about Bitcoin through an article and decided to invest smaller amounts. He was fortunate and made significant profits, but he didn't give it much thought at the time. This year, he discovers that he needs to report his income and gains from cryptocurrency trading to the tax authorities. It's the first time he's delving into the tax treatment of cryptocurrencies. After some research, he quickly realizes that the matter is more complex than he initially thought, and it will require many hours of his time.


Case Study:

A so-called HODLER, with an accountant.

Ein Bekannter hat Rainer vor einigen Jahren von Kryptowährungen und verlockenden Gewinnen erzählt. Da Rainer das Risiko nicht scheut, investierte er auf diesen Tipp hin einen mittleren fünfstelligen Betrag in Bitcoin, Ripple und Ethereum.. Das macht sich bezahlt: Die enormen Wertsteigerungen sorgen 2020 für satte Gewinne. Rainer teilt diese seinem Steuerberater Herr Mayer mit. Doch der ist mit der Thematik überfordert.


Case Study:

Drawn in by the 2017 crypto boom.

Tim was caught up in the crypto hype three years ago. He immediately jumped onto the initial coin offering boom: With the prospect of enormous increases in value, he invested in highly risky coins from smaller projects.
But no luck: The value of the coins dropped steadily, and his invested capital was in free fall. Despite the short holding period, Tim decided to drop the coins.
This led to an extended trading period with swapping between many cryptocurrencies. The result: Several thousand trades on a wide variety of platforms.How can he comprehensively display all that for the tax authorities? Tim is desperate. And all the available tools can only partially illustrate his many different trades—one big patchwork quilt.


*All case studies listed here are examples and serve purely to illustrate our way of working.

Are you still unsure? Schedule a complimentary consultation today and speak to us in person.

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